Mission Statement
To receive "request for service" calls and ensure they are transferred to the appropriate responding agencies in disasters. To work with local, county, state and federal agencies and other volunteer organizations and groups before, during and after disasters. To provide humanitarian relief in the way of shelter, food and water. To help muck out/clean out and rebuild homes and provide any additional assistance to our neighbors.
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We are a non-profit humanitarian group comprised of volunteers. We support and work through disasters using " The 5 Rs" - Rescue, Relief, Recovery, Rebuild, and Remediation. Patriot Emergency Response Team, Inc. (P.E.R.T.) provides support and services before, during, and after disasters in the following ways:
We have a National Dispatch Center can receive disaster requests for help via 800 phone number, text messages, email, and social media. Our dispatchers take in the information, and relay it to the closest Responders. This helps when the 911 phone system goes down, or becomes flooded with calls and people are unable to ask for help.
In the Rescue phase, P.E.R.T. certified emergency responders, search and rescue teams, drone/UAV teams, helicopter, and airplane support to provide invaluable assistance when looking for missing people and their pets.
In the Relief phase, P.E.R.T. members are on the ground in severely impacted areas, providing life-saving food, water and shelter to survivors. Volunteers work tirelessly around the clock, working to address the needs of the communities they serve. Additionally, PERT members begin to help local people in helping themselves. Local volunteers are found to assist in food and water distribution, obtaining supplies and other miscellaneous important items such as baby food, diapers, and pet food.
In the Recovery phase, P.E.R.T. members help local people in helping themselves. Local volunteers are recruited to assist in food and water distribution, obtaining supplies and other miscellaneous important items. P.E.R.T. members and local volunteers help clear away debris, and ensure survivors are aware of disaster assistance from local, State and Federal agencies.
In the Rebuild phase, P.E.R.T. members assist survivors in the process of cleaning out/mucking out their homes, and rebuilding. P.E.R.T. members work tirelessly, forming partnerships with other non-profit groups, local, county, state, and federal agencies, and community members so they can begin to rebuild their lives.
Patriot Emergency Response Team, Inc. has been there for fires, tornados, hurricanes, extreme flooding, earthquakes and all other natural and man-made disasters. We offer as much assistance as possible to all families and individuals going through the worst experience of their lives. From finding missing people to public education on emergency preparedness; from disaster rescue, to providing relief from any natural disaster, we respond. Our mission statement is a borrowed quote stating, "Do all of the good that you can, for all of the time that you can, for as long as you can." Our volunteers work as a team, year-round, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, to provide support in any way that we can to help the American people.